Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Must Watch Katrina Tribute

This is a must watch Katrina Tribute:

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Back To Katrina Reunions

Katrina Dogs Make it Home

Before getting started if everyone who reads this could send this link to everyone you know; no matter where you live we still need to bring Max home. Someone has seen this guy. Read this and you will understand

Its been a little while since I focused on Katrina but here are two amazing stories of pets being reunited with their New Orleans owners even today. These are truly miracles:

See Whoadie's Story Here

Bears Amazing Story as taken from a popular forum:
KART contacted Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons. ARF has a number of dogs for adoption & they immediately responded by sending us all the info they had on 5 dogs (from Katrina). One of those is a black chow they called Sugar Ray rescued in mid-October from Pressburg Street. To be honest, we weren’t all that optomistic—a black chow; October rescue; etc. Adele Tanner took this case and the funny thing is that after we all dug up all these possible phone numbers for the person who lived at the home where the dog was found, Adele just called 411 & got the right #--sometimes the obvious is the first thing we forget! LOL

Anyway, Sugar Ray was Bear & belonged to Mr. & Mrs. Donatto. Bear is an older guy so reunion is particularly great! They had evacuated, leaving Bear in the yard. As we all know, nobody could get back into town for weeks and I suspect they thought Bear hadn’t made it. But sure enough, when they got back, there was Bear sitting on the front porch just waiting. Mr. D. said that being in the yard is what saved Bear as he would have drowned inside the house. They found a shed had floated into their yard & likely Bear hopped on that to ride out the flood. There were indications of feeding/watering stations so Bear had no need to wander to get food. They couldn’t take him back to Lafayette w. them so Mr. D. came down every few days to feed Bear but one day, Bear was gone. Apparently, rescuers did find Mr. D & told him to go to Tylertown which he did right away. They couldn’t find Bear and he had no idea where else to look. We think he MIGHT have gone to Camp Katrina instead of St. Francis though that is unclear.

ARF flew Mr. D up and had a wonderful reunion with him & Bear is now back with his family in their old house on Pressburg. Pictures will follow!

And even Cats are going home:,2545,TCP_16736_5380501,00.html

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

How could they?

Simply insane - Research on Beagles

How could they?

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